Friday, 3 April 2015

We Gotta Get Outta This Place.....

.... was one of the songs that came to mind during our prolonged stay in Eastbourne. Others were Band On The Run (If we ever get out of here...), Please release Me Let Me Go and Hotel California (You can check-out any time you like, But you can never leave!). A bit harsh really, as there's nothing wrong with the place, but neither had we planned to spend a week there.

We went for a couple of longish walks while waiting for a weather window, taking in Pevensey Castle (Roman outer walls; used by the 1066 invasion fleet; and pill boxes concealed in the walls in 1940 for defence against a German invasion), Pevensey Bay and Eastbourne itself.

Pevensey Castle (closed on Fridays, so that saved some cash)

Cheesy artistic shot through bars in doorway

But we also spent several days just listening to the howling wind as Cyclone rocked on her berth.

Then, finally, a favourable forecast meant the alarm set for 0300 Thurs with a planned departure time of 30 mins later (even the tides mock us) only to wake to the sound of yet more howling wind. Undaunted, we slept (ish) another couple of hours before making for the 0630 lock as the wind eased.

The wreck of SS Barnhill

By 0700 we were through the lock and passing the wreck of SS Barnhill - sunk in 1940 by the luftwaffe - on our way to either Dover or Boulogne (depending on progress, not dodgy navigation!).

Well Cyclone was certainly ready to stretch her legs (Wings? Keel?) and she flew (wings then), covering the 54 miles of lumpy sea to Boulogne in just 8 hours - including the time spent stowing sails as we pottered into Boulogne harbour.

Jo's in there somewhere...

The approach to Boulogne

Our neighbours on the forlorn looking RoRo terminal

The marina

So what of Boulogne then? Well the 1950's blocks of flats on the quayside aren't the prettiest, but Boulogne has a very attractive old town which is claimed to be the best conserved fortified site in northern France.

13th century ramparts

20th century Jo on the ramparts 

A street in the old town

It also has a thriving fishing fleet / market; a sandy beach; and a Spar selling 5 litres of white wine for a tenner!

We'll stay here for a day or two before moving on again - to Dunkirk perhaps?

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